Cem's Conspiracies
Otherwise known as Cemspiracies.
My name is Cemilia Trails. Ive been around the world many times over. Ive seen every country, Ive seen every World Wonder...
And with that, Ive also seen every truth they dont want you to know. Yeah, Thats right>
On this web site, I will catalogue for you everyhthing Ive found over my many years....
If you have any questions, DONT BOTHER!! If you dont understand what Im saying then you dont deserve my truths.
WARNING: My last blog attracted strange people with malicious intent. This blog is a TRANS FRIENDLY ZONE!!!
Please stop posting mean messages about it under my pictures too okay?
The Humble Sasquatch.

Look at this guy. The missing link.... Yeah, Ive seen him. Couldnt get a picture though.
What kind of secerts do you think he holds? With his intelligent, human-like mind...
Yet the brutish strength of a rhino, or maybe a hippo? Or, perchance, a Gorilla?
If anyone has any information on how to kill a Sasquartch, please contact me.
The Fierce Loch Ness Monster.

Swimming around, all confident, like it owns the ocean. Maybe its not the biggest fish in the sea after all?
Well, no, it probably is. But it doesn't have any right to act as cocky as it does, walking around so smug...
How it evades death with such ease in such a small enclosure, even in the most dangerous nation on earth..?
Surely it's extraterrestrial in nature... Or it made some sort of pact? A moon-pact? Nay... But...
If anyone can get me 10 lbs of Loch ness Monster meat I will pay you handsomely.

Yes... YESS... YESSS!!! These guys are the smartest of any Hidden Creature, yes...
Watch them walk, with confidence, in the realm of the Humans...
They do not fear us.. .And we shouldnt fear them either.
They are intelligent, friendly creatures. They are worldly and wise.
Please contact me if you hve the body of one of them.
The Jersey Devil.

A cruel, whore-ish monster found in the woods of New Jersey... Stalking out, flying high across the skies, looking for its prey...
Tehre is truly nothing redeemable about th is horrible beast. Begone, with you, before I stab you in the heart myself.
And its so ugly... Truly undeserving of life on such a beautiful planet... Deserves nothing but ridicule.
(Reminder: Have Genny upload photo on my behalf. This thing doesn't deserve my respect)

Take wing, ye fierce Moth Man. Oh, how you glide over the tree line, off through the Vortex Rift into the alternate Earth that humans used to live in alongside cryptid before they destroyed their Earth due to greed and overpopulation and pollution and the smartest minds banded together to create the Vortex Rift which they used to usher the surviving humans into an identical Earth except humans haven't developed far enough yet to damage their planet and the sudden boom of the industrial revolution and every innovator in history are all explained by original Earth humans bringing their knowledge into a less developed Earth also they forgot to fully close the Vortex Rift so cryptids, which are actually normal creatures in Original Earth, are able to sometimes get into our world.
How doth thou fly with such Mothlike Wings..? The world will neve rknow unless I get a sample of one of your feathers.

... It's him.